Adding a New Patient

How to add a new patient to your AOS database.

New Patient

Log into the AOS web portal using your credentials. On the welcome page under 'Add a patient' click 'Add', Figure 1.

Figure 1


Fill in the details of the customer in the empty fields. 

Note: There are 6 mandatory fields: Title, First Name, Surname, Date of Birth, Gender, and Email, Figure 2.  

Figure 2

If your new patient is a dependent of an existing patient, i.e. child of a parent or guardian, and their contact email address is the same as this existing patient, then you will need to enter a unique username that they can be identified by.

Note: FirstnameSurnameDOB is our format suggestion for this username, i.e., JohnSmithYYYYMMDD.

When entering the patient's phone number, please remember to add the correct international dialing code, for example, if the patient is based in the UK add 44 at the beginning of the number. 

To add a unique username click on "Enter alternative username" text and an additional text field will appear, Figure 3.  

When all required fields have been completed, click "Save" and you will be taken to the Patient Summary page, Figure 4. You are now ready to start a session.